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September 26, 2007
Afghan Quagmire Watch
Apparently members of the Taliban have decided that they want their virgins and they want them now. Their usual attacks on schools and other soft targets weren’t generating enough opportunities to become martyrs so they have broadened their target list to include U.S. and Afghan forces. The results are, shall we say, predictable.
KABUL, Afghanistan - Two battles killed more than 165 Taliban fighters and a U.S.-led coalition soldier in southern Afghanistan on Wednesday as President Hamid Karzai prepared to discuss the escalating violence with President Bush in New York.
One of the clashes began Tuesday when several dozen insurgents attacked a joint coalition-Afghan patrol with machine guns, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades near the Taliban-controlled town of Musa Qala in Helmand province, with Taliban reinforcements flowing in all day, a coalition statement said.
This comes on top of another battle that left 65 terrorists dead.
Obviously the MSM spin is that we haven’t pacified Afghanistan and these large scale attacks show how powerful the big, bad Taliban are. Bull. Afghanistan has always been a fractured country featuring warring groups. There’s no way we were going to change that in 6 years and in reality we aren’t likely to do it for a very long time, if ever. That’s not the goal. The goal is to prevent groups like al Qaeda from having a safe haven to train for and plan attacks against us and we are clearly doing that. Of course, we aren’t going to see that on the front page of the NY Times anytime soon.

posted by DrewM. at
10:58 AM
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