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September 24, 2007
Oh Fiddlesticks
I've given Ken Burns a shot.
It's night two, and I'll be goddamned if he isn't STILL going on about internment.
Last night it was 1/4 to 1/3 of the program (according to reports from friends, I admit I was flipping channels between the Bears/Cowboys and The War. I do that. I'm an idiot from Texas. But I did see several scenes last night on internment, even channel flopping).
Tonight, I'm watching it, and it goes on still. "Barbed wire. Some who tried to escape were shot".
Fuck this, and fuck you Ken Burns. America sucks, blah blah blah. You took something that could have been so good, so well done, with your ability, your very impressive ability,
and you shit all over it with your goddamn "America sucks" apologia/guilt.
To hell with you. It's time for Titans and the Saints in HD, for this redneck.
Oh, and you were a pussy in Gettysburg.
Additional Rant: Dave at Garfield Ridge points out in the comments that he called this last night, and yeah, you did buddy. With age comes wisdom. I admit I was having too much fun giving mesablue the business over the game, and I only caught it on the periphery.
That said, I wanted to watch this. I wanted to see how Burns would deal with it, how he would paint the story of something so significant, with video, pictures and interviews. I wanted to appreciate what he could bring to this, in the way that I appreciated his work on The Civil War and Baseball.
I think it's a damned shame, but there it is. I'm not going to dig through the pig shit for the emerald.
Dave in Texas: When you Want Bad Metaphors, I'm Your Man
UPDATE again, the last one. He can't let it go.
I'll agree with those who have posted, there is some really good, masterful work in this. I'm watching it now, and I wholeheartedly agree.
But like a troll gnawing on a bone, he can't stop. He demands your attention to the internment, as if that were the totality of the moral argument for or against the war.
Fuck you Ken Burns. You apologia does not buy you a pass on your work, and I'll grant you, your work is good. You know how to tell a story.
Talent. Attitude. Need a hug?

posted by Dave In Texas at
08:58 PM
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