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September 24, 2007
Backdoor Amnesty Could Come Up for Vote this Week
With all the attention being focused on Iranian nut job Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s media tour of NY this week, it’s important we don’t forget the Democrats are likely to try an end run around amnesty opponents and pass the so called “DREAM Act”.
ABC News has gotten its copy of the talking points and runs a story focusing on how this isn’t about giving amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. No you stupid rubes, it’s all about providing more recruits for the Army.
The Senate will debate a proposal this week billed by some as a creative solution to two of the nation's hot-button issues -- immigration and the Iraq war.
If passed, the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act promises a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants who volunteer for military service.
Of course, not everyone is overjoyed at this opportunity to become a citizen, not if it means becoming a killbot in the Bushittler war machine.
"I characterize it as a defector draft," said Jose Lara, an immigration reform advocate.
"We're looking for any option -- anything," Lara said, "and what they're giving us is, 'Go in to the military, die in Iraq, possibly come back maimed and then possibly gain citizenship.'"
Now, I don’t doubt that there are some illegal aliens who came here unwittingly as children and consider themselves patriotic Americans who would love to serve what they feel is their country. I think we should allow them that opportunity and upon completion of their term of service, welcome them as citizens who have truly earned that distinction.
What I don’t think we should be doing is handing out citizenship just because a person went to college for two years, which is the ‘other path’ the article doesn’t focus much on. But let’s be honest, that’s the real goal here. Call me crazy but I think a lot more people will take the college option. This isn’t such a far fetched notion considering there are many more America citizens in college than there are in the military. Why would the illegal cohort be so different?
An easy way for the media to test the Democrats real goal here is ask them if they will drop the college option and just pass a service for citizenship bill. Of course the media won’t ask that question and the Democrats wouldn’t do it anyway.
So while we rightfully remind people who the Iranian madman really is, let’s not forget the Democrats are still working hard to subvert the rule of law here at home.

posted by DrewM. at
11:28 AM
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