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The Nanny State Strike England Again [eddiebear] »
September 24, 2007
Bad Mahmoud Arising (Kat-Missouri)
In a long analysis of the current Iran-Syria situation, I noted that some analysis believe that Ahmadinejad might engineer a confrontation with the US to either force action or consolidate his position as champion Islamic butthead of the region.
Today appears to be the day. Despite protests and strong rhetoric from everyone up to and including the president (barring ghey KOS diarists with a crush on Mahmoud), Ahmadinejad appears to be continuing with his plans to go to Ground Zero and speechify on the causes of terrorism.
He will be confronted by protesters. Numbers unknown at this time. However, the real problem is that he is going to force US Secret Service and possibly NY law enforcement to provide him with protection to do so. Some will insist that NY is under no obligation to do so, but there is a problem with the possibility of an international incident in the city of a million diplomats.
I think it's obvious that the rhetoric has played right into Mad Mahmoud's hands. Either there will be a confrontation today or he will have humiliated the US and the President by doing what he wants anyway. Which is the point of everything he is saying and doing today.
Let's hope there is a severe traffic tie up down town and it screws up his schedule so bad he can't get there. As much as I would like this sawed off version of Baghdad Bob to get some American "love" back from the protesters, I'd prefer he finds out we can play the game better than he can right in downtown NY. Home of the most offensive drivers in the US.
So, can't make the actual protests? Don't want to cause an outright incident?
Get in your car and hit the road by 9 AM (Mahmoud's visit is allegedly at 10AM, but don't bet there won't be some wriggle room for security reasons; get down early and stay there for the show). Get down to Manhattan and do your best worst.
Strategy my friends. Don't let the enemy pick the battle ground (paraphrasing Sun Tzu). Keep him off the streets surrounding the WTC and, if you're lucky, you'll make him late for his date at the UN.
Peace Out!
From Dan - Columbia University invited Hitler's embassador to speak.
...The archives of the New York Times disclose that in December 1933, Columbia's president, Nicholas Butler, extended an invitation to Hitler's ambassador, Hans Luther...
1933 of course being the year Dachau opened for business, books started combusting, special courts for prosecuting "political dissent" were formed, and mass arrests of commies, socialists, and other malcontents started occurring. Just remember folks -- all viewpoints are equally valid in a multi-cultural world.

posted by xgenghisx at
07:53 AM
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