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September 23, 2007
Weekend AP Throwaway - Independent Voters Lean Toward Dems
An "in step with" style voter analysis from the AP, interviews with the Independent™ voter, like auto parts store worker Michael Brooks, who leaned Republican but now leans Democrat.
Allow me to substitute the expression "malleable apolitical moron" for "independent".
In this article, that appears to be what it means. Just trying to be helpful.
Michael Brooks, auto parts store worker, voted for Bush in 2000, thinking that was the key to help for the middle income worker.
Obviously he was incorrect. As was Independent™ voter Jim Hacker.
"I just don't like the way Republicans are going," said Jim Hacker, 54, a train engineer from Boone, Iowa, who calls himself an independent and leans toward Democrats. "We can start with the Iraq war. I'm all against terrorists, but the terrorists didn't come from Iraq."
We could start way before that Jimbo.
In what passes for an analysis of the frustrated but somehow informed electorate, the AP tosses out a Sunday nothing story to frame up the necessary train ride to 08 (sorry Jim, you gave me a shitty metaphor). America is leaning away from Republicans, and leaning toward Democrats, to make right the course of America.
Except they don't really offer the explanation of right. They merely offer the sideswipe of "wrong".
Conservatives are weakened by the Bob Neys and Duke Cunninghams of the recent past. War weariness. Relentless insanity, accusations of oil hegemon power murder fucking batshit crazy bullshit raving that we are geniunely tired of addressing, we've done it so many times for so long.
Show of hands. Who isn't just goddamn weary of the same old bugfuck crazy arguments from the bugfuck crazies?
I swear, it's enough to make you compile an enemies list.
It seems as if it's the longest political season of our lives, but it's not really. It just seems that way.
Michael, kindest regards and all, but you're a fucking idiot and I'm really not concerned about persuading you toward the light of "thought".
I just don't think you can handle it buddy.
You got a starter for an 04 Ford Focus? Rebuilt?
Oh. And you look fat in those pants. Did the photographer recommend those?
Just sayin.

posted by Dave In Texas at
06:02 PM
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