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September 20, 2007
Damn Government Won’t Help a Guy Out of a Bind
Imagine you are a relatively low level drug smuggler for a big trafficking ring and you misplace a load of cocaine. Who amongst us can say that’s never happened to them? Of course you figure your boss is not going to be cool with that and just write it off, so what do you do? If you are Leroy Carr-Super Genius, you call your local Immigration and Custom Enforcement office and ask for a little help.
According to the complaint, he told agents that on Aug. 3, he had stashed two blue backpacks containing 68 pounds of cocaine by the entrance to a Boy Scout camp near the Canadian border. When he returned the next day, they were gone, he said.
Carr, of suburban Federal Way, asked if ICE could put out a news release saying that federal agents had seized the drugs. That way, according to the complaint, the organization he was working for would believe his statements that he hadn't stolen them.
But did these so called ‘public servants’ do this citizen a solid? No. No they did not. The SOBs arrested him! Leroy Carr-Super Genius has been charged with possession with intent to distribute.
Whatever happened to ‘we’re from the government and we’re here to help’?

posted by DrewM. at
05:18 PM
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