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September 18, 2007
DREAM Act For "Young" Illegals: Not As Bad As First Thought -- Much, Much Worse!
That's Kaus' take, and since we're not talking about the war or taxes or health care I believe him.
There is no upper age limit. Any illegal alien can walk into a U.S. Customs and Immigration Services office and declare that he is eligible. For example, a 45 year old can claim that he illegally entered the United States 30 years ago at the age of 15. There is no requirement that the alien prove that he entered the United States at the claimed time by providing particular documents. The DREAM Act's Section 4(a) merely requires him to "demonstrate" that he is eligible—which in practice could mean simply making a sworn statement to that effect.
Bonus: Once you so much as file an application claiming DREAM eligibility, you can't be deported.
They're just not going to stop with the amnesty, are they?
This is the most dangerous form of legislation-- the kind that easily slips past public scrutiny because no one is paying attention outside of Congress. They can do pretty much anything with unexamined bills -- and they seem intent on doing precisely what we forbade them to last time we were actually notified of their intentions.