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September 16, 2007
Weedstock, 2007
Slubs and I tripped over this yesterday, and I'm so glad we did. Weedstock, at the Boston Commons, attended by dozens, and the speaker was riveting.
And by riveting I meant he told stories about George Washington and hemp, that kinda riveting.
Dr. Ron Paul was well represented yesterday, and we had an opportunity to engage with some of his supporters, and gather some cool DVDs and bumper stickers, one of which is goin on my Carvin case tonight. Oh yeah.
Hey, the weather was nice.
really nice
See, the problem with Slublog, let's be honest, is his naiveté.
It's refreshing, I will admit.
They set the hook, with enticements. Bumper stickers, and more!
America waits.

posted by Dave In Texas at
11:38 PM
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