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September 14, 2007
Truther Douchebag Wishes You All A Happy 9/11! [Kensington]
Jonah Goldberg points to this recording of failed has-been James Brolin, more properly known as Mr. Barbra Streisand. The witless jackass has been doing some radio interviews to promote some lame new film in which Richard Gere plays a journalist who chases down a war criminal in Bosnia (our fearless journalists doing the things that our CIA can't).
So he calls into the Chaz and AJ show this past Tuesday, and when the subject of 9/11 comes up, he gets all chipper and wishes everyone a "Happy 9/11"!
This doesn't go over all that well with the east coast hosts, and they chastise him for being blithe about it, pointing out that they know people who lost family in the attacks.
What's really aggravating is that Brolin refuses to back down. Rather, he tries to make light of it, and then tries to turn it around into what I take to be the beginning of some incoherent criticism of the Bush administration before being cut off by the annoyed hosts.
Many of you may remember Brolin coming out as a Truther on The View last December.
I'd like to think of some way to punish this idiot, but then I remember that he has to sleep with Barbra Streisand for the rest of his stupid stupid life. Maybe we shouldn't be too tough on him after all.
Breitbart's got the audio.

posted by xgenghisx at
05:44 PM
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