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September 13, 2007
Giuliani Times: Rudy Demands Same Deep Discount MoveOn Got From NYT
Nice stunt, but who reads the NYT anymore?
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) said Thursday that he is asking The New York Times for the “same heavily discounted rate they gave MoveOn.org” for his campaign to run an ad in Friday’s paper.
Giuliani, calling MoveOn.org’s controversial “General Betray Us” ad “abominable,” said his campaign is asking the paper for a comparable rate for an ad to run following President Bush’s speech on Iraq.
The former mayor said his ad “will obviously take the opposite view” from MoveOn.org, which argued in its ad that Gen. David Petraeus is “cooking the books” on Iraq and cherry-picking facts that support his recommendation to keep a large number of troops in Iraq for some time.
Giuliani continued to include Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) in his criticisms for her comments that it would take “a willing suspension of disbelief” to accept at face value Petraeus’s report on the situation in Iraq. Giuliani interpreted Clinton’s remarks at a hearing earlier this week as questioning the general’s integrity.
“We think that her attack on Gen. Petraeus was a follow-up to the MoveOn.org/Times attack,” Giuliani told reporters in Atlanta.
Here's why I like Rudy, and keep pimping him, despite his obvious flaws: He's a prick. My kind of prick. To all the right assholes. I'm a little weary of the "above the fray" model of the Presidency favored by Bush. The President is a political actor and should behave as one, not pretend that such base disputes are beneath his stature.
In related news, Ken Wheaton of AdAge calls for those promoting the stupid "pro-Rudy/pro-Republican" ads to grow up and accept they're 1) not funny and 2) not fooling anybody.
The only people who seem to have believed this is the Brain Trust of wannabe-chicks at Wonkette. But then they have a history of "falling" for transparent scams.
Fred Frags The Freaks: Thompson unloads on MoveOn now, too.
The AV Club: Rudy's audio, Fred's video.