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September 10, 2007
Not anti-war, just pro the other side
As we wait for General Petraeus to deliver his progress report on the situation in Iraq, Moveon.org on behalf of the “Don’t Question Our Patriotism” crowd, ran an add in the NY Times yesterday titled “General Petraeus or General Betray Us?”. You can see it at a non Moveon.org link here.
Basically, the ad called the man charged with leading 160,000+ Americans in a combat zone a liar.
Since this is essentially the line Democratic leaders like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are taking, don’t look for anyone on that side of the aisle to tell the morons to shut up. No, that would put the money train in jeopardy.
My fear is there aren’t any Republicans willing to stand up and shout from the rafters that the Democrats are essentially the propaganda agency for terrorists worldwide.
Are Republicans really afraid that they are going to be hurt by standing up for the General and the troops he leads? You have to dig a little deep in this article (like to the end) to get to poll data that shows, shockingly! that not all Americans or even most American’s are with the loony left.
Meanwhile, a New York Times/CBS News Poll found that Americans trust military commanders far more than the Bush administration or Congress to bring the war in Iraq to a successful end. Five percent of Americans said they most trust the Bush administration to resolve the war, the poll found; 21 percent said they would most trust Congress; and 68 percent expressed the most trust in military commanders.
Seems a presidential candidate (teh Fred!?) could make a lot of friends by pointing out the Democrats have spent the last 30 years pimping for our enemies and running down our military.
Thanks to Hot Air for finding a copy of the ad I couldn’t find yesterday.
UPDATE: There's one grown up Democrat. Guess who it is. Yep, the man DKos ran out of the party:
Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., is challenging the Democratic leadership to denounce Moveon.org's attack on Gen. Petraeus in a New York Times ad, in which the liberal antiwar group refers to him as "General Betray-us."
"We must reject the slander of this brave soldier and patriot," says Lieberman, who called the labeled the ad "an outrageous and despicable act of slander."

posted by DrewM. at
11:04 AM
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