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Who’s Killing All the Bees? Apparently The Joooooosssss. »
September 07, 2007
First Lesson: Discretion
If you're engaged in selling an illegal substance, this is probably not a good idea:
But no one will believe two freshmen at Northeastern University didn’t spark it up.
One of them, Michael Emery, leaned out his dormitory window on Sunday, the Associated Press reported, and kindly informed a woman in the dorm opposite his — none too quietly — “If you’re looking for weed, my roommate Ferrante has some for sale.” Starting school, making friends, and why not a little money, too?
Well, because two plainclothes police officers overheard the student’s sales pitch and went up to his room. There they found nine bags of marijuana, a digital scale, and more than $1,000 in cash, among other paraphernalia, according to today’s Boston Globe. The students also had rigged a pulley system outside their window
Needless to say, these two salesmen are no longer students at Northeastern.

posted by Slublog at
08:33 AM
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