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September 06, 2007
Coming Soon? "The Blesed Invasion of Manhattan"
Authorities are alarmed by jihadist websites posting statements similar to chatter heard before 9/11.
Federal counterterrorism officials are analyzing a posting on an Islamic forum Web site that warns of "a special gift" to be given on the sixth anniversary of Sept. 11, FOX News has learned.
The warning was posted Sept. 2 on a site frequented by radical groups and said in part that "there will be a special gift coming on the day of the blessed invasion of Manhattan."
As a commenter here pointed out, most of these warnings of attacks may very well be intended only to bluster and, more importantly, to fatigue law enforcement personnel as they work overtime every time one of these warnings comes to light. The real attacks may be planned for relatively chatter-free periods, when exhausted intelligence and law enforcement personnel try to get back to normal working hours and maybe take a vacation.