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September 06, 2007
Fearing Disastrous Victory, Democrats Pre-Emptively Spin Petraeus Report As "Bush Report"

"It's a trap! By the way, does this space-suit
make my mutant appendages look fat?"
Didn't these guys specifically demand a report from Petraeus in the legislation to continue troop funding?
ongressional Democrats are trying to undermine U.S. Army Gen. David H. Petraeus' credibility before he delivers a report on the Iraq war next week, saying the general is a mouthpiece for President Bush and his findings can't be trusted.
"The Bush report?" Senate Majority Whip Richard J. Durbin said when asked about the upcoming report from Gen. Petraeus, U.S. commander in Iraq.
"We know what is going to be in it. It's clear. I think the president's trip over to Iraq makes it very obvious," the Illinois Democrat said. "I expect the Bush report to say, 'The surge is working. Let's have more of the same.' "
The top Democrats Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California also referred to the general's briefing as the "Bush report."
Remember, the Democratic Party is the one that speaks thoughtfully and not in bumper-sticker talking points. It's just that they've all independently pondered this matter and all simultaneously decided to begin calling it "the Bush report" like Stepford whores.