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September 03, 2007
John Edwards: Totalitarian Nanny Stater [Kensington]
John Edwards wants to force you to go to the Doctor, whether you're willing or not.
The slick medium for dead babies told an Iowa crowd on Sunday that his socialized health care proposal:
“…requires that everybody get preventive care."
"If you are going to be in the system, you can't choose not to go to the doctor for 20 years. You have to go in and be checked and make sure that you are OK."
Got that? You may think you're an adult who can make their own choices when it comes to private, personal matters, but John Edwards knows better.
Now, look, those of us with small children or dependent parents know from experience that sometimes a strong-arm approach is necessary to get our loved ones the care they need, but that’s a personal and private matter involving families. I have no intention of sitting by passively as the Democrat Party demands this same authority.
I’m on the edge of my seat waiting to learn what the penalties for non-conformity will be. What is wrong with these people? Don’t they realize how totalitarian they sound when they talk like this?
Exit question: do admissions like this help or hurt their efforts with the American people nowadays?

posted by xgenghisx at
02:47 AM
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