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September 02, 2007
“Mexico does not end at its borders."
That’s not the ravings of an open borders advocate like Geraldo Rivera or your average La Raza member. No, that’s Mexican President Felipe Calderon during his first state of the nation speech today.
We strongly protest the unilateral measures taken by the U.S. Congress and government that have only persecuted and exacerbated the mistreatment of Mexican undocumented workers," he said. "The insensitivity toward those who support the U.S. economy and society has only served as an impetus to reinforce the battle ... for their rights."
He also reached out to the millions of Mexicans living in the United States, many illegally, saying: "Where there is a Mexican, there is Mexico."
In the last few years my position on immigration has gone from ‘secure the borders and I guess some sort of amnesty is okay’ camp to ‘secure the borders and we’ll deal with it through attrition’. But garbage like this? This is the kind of talk that pushes people into the ‘round ‘em up’ and kick their asses out’ camp.
One thing you can almost always count on the left to do is overplay their hands. I hope teh Fred! and every other major Republican candidate beats the drum on this stuff. The left can cry about ‘wedge issues’ and ‘racism’ but there’s a lot of votes to be won, not by being anit-immigrant but pro-American.
*Cleaned up two typos Gabriel stupid pageant girl was kind enough to point out. Remember loose shit is a feature, not a bug here at Ace's.

posted by DrewM. at
10:28 PM
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