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Overnight Fun With Brian De Palma [Vinnie] »
September 01, 2007
Sadly No! brings their "A" game [Dogstar]
Oh, dear. It looks like I just struck a nerve. A big one, judging from the troll barrage in my earlier post .
Evidently, the folks over at Sadly, No! are fighting back the best way they know how:
I don’t know how they do it or what it means for the rest of us, but the guys at Ace HQ manage to make everything sound like a 10-year-old’s misconception of gay sex. Now we’re thinking about Ace’s hole pooping at a party. Next it’ll be gerbils and Rod Stewart choking on a gallon of semen.
Nicely done.
Note to self: When arguing political topics, playing "teh geh" card is the mark of a champion. I will have to remember that.
Or maybe not.

posted by xgenghisx at
11:34 PM
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