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August 30, 2007
"He's A Good Driver:" Pill-Popping High-As-A-Kite Mom Does The Safe Thing And Orders Clear-Headed Five-Year-Old To Take The Wheel
She was loaded, the kid was sober as a deacon. So what's the problem?
At the wheel was the toddler and his passengers: his 24-year-old mother and his three-year-old brother. Schnobrich told the woman "He's a good driver," but in a later interview with a sheriff's deputy, the boy said he had a tough time driving because "I can't reach the pedals."
A minor kink in the plan. They could have just put the three-year-old on the floor to work the pedals. Problem solved. Thank you drive through.
Schnobrich, who admitting using Percocet as well as taking 86 sleeping pills in the prior two days, was charged with two counts of felony child endangerment and misdemeanor public intoxication.
Look, kids are going to have to drive some day. I don't see the need to protect them from real-world realities. At some age, we have to stop coddling them and force them to grow up and begin assuming the full responsibilities of adulthood.
That age is five.
Thanks to RobG.