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August 21, 2007
Ice Cavern Zebra; Illegal Immigrants Much Like Runaway Slaves
From this guy's very cool series of glacial cave photos. As you can see, these precious and fragile cryoecospheres, teeming with a rich diversity of no life whatsoever, are threatened by the Invisible Killer CO2.
Via Undercover Black Man, who is less than impressed with comparisons between illegal immigrants and runaway slaves.
So we've had the Jews-during-the-Holocaust comparison from The Mustache of Outrage, and now we've got the comparison to slaves.
Next up: Illegal immigrants are being treated like just like homos. Is not the right to work in a country not your own alike the right to marry someone of your gender? Indeed, I submit the two rest on legal and moral foundations of similar solidity.
The illegal immigrant lobby might as well piss off all the big identity groups while they're at it.
Thanks to Protein Wisdom.