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August 16, 2007
Tora Bora Update: 50 Terrorists Chunked So Far
With three dead coalition soldiers, alas.
Tell me, Chris Matthews, since you are so fond of claiming this in regard to Iraq: Did we make more terrorists than we killed today?
If so, then why do you claim to support the War in Afghanistan? Obviously even on a "good day" like today it's really a bad day. We killed 50 and created, oh, let's say 75 new terrorists, so we end the day 25 in the hole.
Or is this some magical property of terrorists only in Iraq? Is it only terrorists in Iraq who are possessed of this Hydra-like cut-one-head-off-and-two-grow-back property?
Tell me, Chris Matthews and all other liberals: If it's true that we make more terrorists than we ever kill, why do you posture as supporting any military force against terrorists, anywhere, at any time, in any circumstances?