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August 15, 2007
Genius: Dutch Catholic Bishop Suggests All People, Including Christians And Jews, Refer To God As "Allah" To Foster "Understanding"
Good idea. Maybe we can start calling Jesus "Mohammad" and also start calling "The Holy Bible" the "Koran" while we're at it.
And then maybe we can begin calling the west "The Caliphate," to further this understanding.
Alas, we'll have to stop referring to ourselves as "men." But such adjustments in language are a small price to pay.
A Roman Catholic Bishop in the Netherlands has proposed people of all faiths refer to God as Allah to foster understanding, stoking an already heated debate on religious tolerance in a country with one million Muslims.
Bishop Tiny Muskens, from the southern diocese of Breda, told Dutch television on Monday that God did not mind what he was named and that in Indonesia, where Muskens spent eight years, priests used the word "Allah" while celebrating Mass.
"Allah is a very beautiful word for God. Shouldn't we all say that from now on we will name God Allah? ... What does God care what we call him? It is our problem."
You ever get the feeling that European establishment churches just don't care about religion all that much (particularly about the divisive Christ), and are more just social clubs and employers of last result for the drooling imbecile sons of the decrepit aristocracy?
Because I do. Just every once in a while. I know it's crazy, but I get that vibe sometimes.
You'll be happy to know that a poll about this nuanced idea drew an overwhelmingly negative response (92%), and a largely mocking one.
Sample letter to the editor:
"Sure. Lets call God Allah. Lets then call a church a mosque and pray five times a day. Ramadan sounds like fun," Welmoet Koppenhol wrote in a letter to the newspaper.
When do we get to start blowing up pizzerias? Will that be a year-long thing or only on Easter?