« MSM Columnist Whines There Aren't Enough Women Blogging
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August 12, 2007
I Am Woman Hear Me Roar (Kat-Missouri)
Apropos the previous post re: women bloggers (you know, the serious kind as opposed to whatever other kinds of women bloggers there are) and my first open blog post at AoSHQ regarding creepy dates, I will now become all sorts of serious:
In a world of equal rights and feminine liberation, if Obama has Obama Girls, where's Hillary's Men? Is there some sort of underlying discrimination going on here? Isn't it true that women with power become more attractive the same as men? Or, does that just scare the piss out of men?
Hillary with her finger on the big red button: Turn On? Or, total bed wetting fear?
And, you know, she has been completely screwed over by the men in her life. If there is a woman to be feared, it's a "woman scorned" and, oh boy, does Hillary have that market cornered.
In fact, men should be asking themselves whether Hillary as elected president or Hillary losing the presidency is more scary.
I mean, either way, Ace could end up dead in a park.
Think about that when you go to vote.
Update: And, in the middle of all this angst about under-represented women in places we think they ought to be, where are our feminista sisters empowering the women of Islam? You know, with the current death rates sky rocketing for Islamic males in certain areas, women out number the men by 5%. Why aren't we all up in that sh*t stirring it like a hot steaming pile of burning Beauchamp?
I know, I know...strawman. But, seriously, where are our seminars and such that remind our Muslim sisters that Mohammed was a beggar at Kadijah's table. She owned the businesses. She owned the property. Mohammed didn't even get everything at her demise.
Which, if you think about it, is a much stronger motivation to commit murder.
Update#2: Based on the comment section, only half of you got this post. It. Was. A. Joke. Note the prefaced, sarcastic "serious blogger".
I had no idea Hillary was that damn scary.
posted by xgenghisx at
05:00 PM
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