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August 12, 2007
MSM Columnist Whines There Aren't Enough Women Blogging
Plus: Special Shout-Out To LauraW!
Perhaps there aren't enough women bloggers because they all have jobs in the notoriously female-dominated MSM? (Just kidding, of course: The MSM is sissy but it's very patriarchal, especially at upper levels. When Ellen Goodman isn't whining about female underrepresentation in the blogosphere, I'm guessing she's whining about underrepresentation in all the senior positions at the Boston Globlosphere, where she works.)
Ed Driscoll notes this is hardy perennial in the MSM; Captain Ed notes political blogging is a dorkwad hobby, similar to Dungeons & Dragons, so why should one even care about a skew in interest in the thing at all?
Baldilocks offers up a list of prominent female bloggers for Ellen Goodman's edification, including recognition of our very own LauraW.
Although, in fairness, it's not clear if LauraW. is a political blogger so much as cute-cat blogger.
At least she's not a tampon blogger, and for that much thanks.