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August 11, 2007
Iowa Finish: Romney 31%, Huckabee 18%, Brownback 15%
The Only Man Who Can Save America becomes the Only Man Placing Between Fourth and Sixth.
"Dr. Paul's" supporters are really spinning his fifth-place victory in that thread.
God I hate them.
So... Tommy Thompson, I believe, said he would drop out if he didn't win or place. He didn't show either. Hopefully that's one down.
Tancredo posted a somewhat strong fourth, at least strong for a niche candidate in a race in which three of the bigger candidates (Giuliani, McCain, and Fred Thompson) weren't even competing. So I guess that means his issue lives on, as if there was any doubt of that anyway.
Why Duncan Hunter cannot gain any traction, while an idiot like Brownback can come in third, is beyond me.
Over At Hot Air... Allah notes that Brownback spent a lot of his cash to place second, but failed, losing to Huckabee, who spent less, and now will have more to spend.
If that means Brownback exits soon, great. But I doubt it.
Ucchhh... Ron Paul's delusional zombots go bananas over him at Digg, insisting that he's now a first-tier candidate.
I guess that makes Huckabee, Brownback, and Tancredo even more first-tierier. Nope, the revolution belongs only to "Doctor Paul."
This Iowa straw poll can be summed up in this phrase:
"Ron Paul Makes the Cut."
He is literally in the top tier of republican candidates in the first major test of legitimacy. Make no mistake, this is a seminal moment in the Ron Paul campaign and is only a sign of amazing things to come.
Seminal moments are often wiped away with tissues and then tossed into the toilet.
One guy says something derogatory about Paul, then says "And now watch as my post gets buried by the internet army," and five minutes later, his comment is gone.
This commenter was a bit worried for the RP zombots:
Without making a judgement on who I think will be the next President, what will you guys do if it isn't Ron Paul? I'm worried you might kill yourselves or something
No comment.
Thanks Michael.