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August 06, 2007
Experiment a Success
I think, mostly. Some really good stuff in there.
This is where the guest bloggers would normally take a bow but there are so many that if they all put up a post it would get kinda crazy. Maybe say goodbyes and stuff in the comments here?
But I don't it's necessary to do that, even... I need coverage next weekend, anyway, so let's just say see you next week.
Incidentally, I'll probably be up at respectable time tomorrow -- crack of 11 or so -- but if anyone wants to post before I'm active, be my guest. Given that it's a weekday again, though, try to restrict it to news of the day type stuff if you would.
Thanks for doing this, guys. Good job one and all, and I hope you had some fun, and I hope (of course) the readers liked it too.