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August 04, 2007
Ol' SarahW's Link Farm
Judge orders sex offenders to display massive yellow cocks in return for reduced sentence.
Spider lamb,
Spider lamb...
The truthiest Minnesota bridge collapse story you'll read all day:
Fed-farmed acoustic weapon research to blame: Russkies detect
"Massive" Ultra-low Frequency "blast" at "exact" moment and location of catastrophe.
Kang and Kodos spend a little too much time hiding out in the Duff Brewery
Shazbot, step on the accele-ray, it's Ms. Crabapple
Japanese still maintaining quality control exceeding that of other worlds:
"Shut your whore mouth when rice paddies are talking!"
More here: Impressive.
Strange fruit (via B3ta.com)
posted by xgenghisx at
01:33 PM
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