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August 02, 2007
McCain To Help Defeat Phony Reform Bill
Taking a position that's not only good policy but is popular with many conservatives -- eh, why not try it once? (Okay, he's tried it more than once, but not much more.)
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) plans to take a break from the campaign trail to speak out against the Democratic lobbying reform package when it hits the floor at the end of the week, according to one of the bill’s chief opponents, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.)
DeMint held up final negotiations on the bill for weeks, arguing that earmark provisions that purport to provide more transparency do nothing but maintain the status quo. For instance, he said, the majority leader has the right to certify what constitutes an earmark instead of a nonpartisan Senate officer such as the parliamentarian.
DeMint said McCain’s national reputation as a reformer would help him and Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), another vocal opponent, highlight the bill’s weaknesses to other senators and the American people, and could help revive his flagging campaign for president.
McCain returned to the Senate Monday night to develop strategy with Coburn, DeMint and Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.).
Good. Like it or not, he's got something most Republicans don't at this point -- credibility.