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July 30, 2007
Iron Man Clip From ComiCon
Okay, I was wrong.
I'm surprised they included the whole silly bit about Tony Stark secretly building the armor while a captive of a swarthy Asian warlord, which I would have dumped myself, but you have to give it to Favreau for faithfulness.
Looks really cool.
Thanks to z ryan.
Update (Slublog) - Looks like the video's been nuked. Allah's got a version up at Hot Air - get there before the lawyers!
Udpate: Swapped out the nonworking link for a working one.
Just noticing that Downey's performance is full of comic arrogance and jackassery. That's not true to the Tony Stark character, of course, but then again, there really is no Tony Stark "character." He's one of the most boring characters in the Marvel Universe. They tried to make him interesting by making him an alcoholic and it still didn't work.
So basically they've turned Tony Stark into Bruce Campbell's Ash character from the Evil Dead/Army of Darkness trilogy. I can live with that.
Get some.
Another Link: Well, now that one's dead, I hear. Your last chance may be found here, someone tells me.
This is so silly. The filmmakers obviously want us to see this thing, but they're yanking the trailer just to make us work for it. I suppose they might be obligated to do so; maybe they signed some sort of exclusive agreement with ComiCon, but that seems unlikely: As if ComiCon would turn down the chance to screen it first unless they had some sort of guarantee of exclusivity.
Okay, I'm done with the game. They beat me. I won't update anymore for fresh links. If these guys really don't want anyone to see a trailer that's getting overwhelmingly positive attention, fine, they win.