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July 24, 2007
Ward Churchill Expects To Be Fired Within Hours, Will Sue
I didn't know this hot ghetto mess was still going on.
The university's governing board plans to hold a closed session on the Boulder campus today, and a decision on Churchill is expected in the middle of the afternoon.
According to the Denver Post, Churchill's supporters are planning to show their support at an afternoon rally. Churchill and his attorney will address the crowd when the decision comes down, press reports said.
A faculty panel recommended that Churchill be punished, but not fired. However, in a May 25 letter to the Board of Regents, CU President Hank Brown recommended that Churchill be dismissed for "conduct which falls below the minimum standards of professional integrity."
A panel eventually concluded that he had plagiarized, fabricated and falsified some of his research and writings.
Churchill's liberal supporters insist that he's being fired for voicing unpopular views. Churchill himself believes "that going through my scholarship with a fine-tooth comb was simply a pretext to fire me for my constitutionally protected speech."
The Denver Post editorial board is among those urging that Churchill be fired, however -- not for his unpopular opinions, but for making "a mockery of thoughtful academic research."
According to the editorial, the Churchill "fiasco" has gone on long enough. "When the CU regents meet today to consider Churchill's fate, they should fire him," the newspaper said, adding that "neither the First Amendment nor principles of academic freedom are an inoculation against academic misconduct."
Indeed, leftist websites and groups are urging readers to demand the Board of Regents keep him on -- precisely because of his Little Eichmanns comment. Mocking the terrorist victims of 9/11, and praising the terrorists, is not only to be praised in and of itself, but making such atrocious comments furthermore protects the speaker from serious charges of academic dishonesty, fabrication, plagiarism, and simply submoronic "work."