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July 23, 2007
Left Busily Deleting All Refences To "Killitary" Post, Accusing Military Men Of Widespread Pschopathy
Well! If I had known my scoop -- or rather DP's scoop -- about the DailyKos' "Killitary" post was going to break so big I would have publicized it more!
Not only was it deleted from the DailyKos -- without explanation or refutation by the supposedly troop-supportin' Kos himself -- but it's now also gone missing from the InColdBlog blog, where it was cross-posted. Fortunately, LGF got screencaps of the cached versions of the deleted posts.
Or should I say, Soviet-like, the nonposts.
Take-away: Liberals and leftists eagerly impugn and slander the troops they claim to support... so long as they think they're talking amongst themselves. The moment their vicious hatred is exposed to a wider audience -- not just of liberals and leftists who nod in approval of the libels -- they delete the posts and pretend they never existed at all.
Has Kos actually defended the troops by refuting the post? By noting it was pure jackassery and hatred? I haven't seen such a post, and I doubt I will. Because such a statement would be intensely controversial among his readers, and half of his commenters -- the ones who forget they're supposed to pretend they support their troops -- would claim that the "Killitary" post got it right. And then he'd just have to delete even more.
So instead he just stealthily deletes the post, and another lefty blog salutes and follows suit. Because they have to stay on message -- Liberals Support The Troops! -- even if that message is a transparent lie and exposed as such whenever liberals dare to express their actual beliefs.
What They Really Think: Chris Hedges, the terrorist-apologist douchebag, the former NYT "reporter" who turned a routine college graduation speech into a moonbat rant about the war, now proudly reports on all sorts of alleged misbehavior among our troops, based, supposedly, on interviews with them. Most of it's small-bore stuff. He's got one repulsive little anecdote (allegedly), and trumps up penny-ante shit to fit with his thesis:
The military is by and large composed of psychopaths.
Sound familiar? The left is singing hoseanas about this Nation hit-piece.
But they support the troops. They say so. A leftist wouldn't lie to you, now would he?