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July 21, 2007
Has Google Purged AoSHQ From Its Search Engines?
Probably Not; Sorry To Bother Anyone With This
I've been noticing lately that I cannot find any of my old posts via Google. None. Even when I include key words I know are prominent in them. And I include "Ace of spades" or "ace of spades hq," which you would think would bring them up pretty fast, right?
I just tried to find my old post on Dana Stevens' absurdly glowing review of Shooter. My search terms? "ace of spades stevens shooter slate." And permutations thereof.
Not a single hit.
In fact, the only hits that come up are other bloggers linking me for that post. Right Wing News, for example.
But the site that should, presumably, be at the top of the list?
Not there. Gone.
Simply searching for "Ace of Spades" or "Ace of Spades HQ" does bring up some hits for the website generally, but how can it be that no specific posts can any longer be found on Google?
Or on Yahoo, for that matter.
I'm going to write Google about this, but I already know what they're going to claim.
Have any other right-leaning bloggers noticed a complete Google-search blackout on your sites?
"Don't be evil." Indeed.
Maybe I'm Paranoid: Gabriel Malor says that a site-specific search -- for ace.mu.nu -- will bring up old posts, but that is a change from the way it used to be, when "ace of spades" in the search box was enough to do the trick.
"Hot air thomas" has no problem bringing up the recent post on "Scott Thomas" as the sixth item found. No site-specific search needed there.
So what gives?
False Alarm: Malor says it's about putting quotes around "ace of spades" and stuff. It's different than it used to be, but I guess I jumped the gun on screaming "purge!"