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July 20, 2007
Cleveland Councilman Pens Love-Letter To Drug Dealer
I'm going to cut out this guy's moronic use of quotation marks in order to make this read better.
Dear Mr. Winston,
As Councilman representing Cleveland's 11th Ward, I have been notified once again that you have been arrested for dealing drugs in my ward...
Mr. Winston, you have to be dumber than mud. Don't you know that one of your so-called friends from the 8th Avenue gang ratted your stupid ass out that your were dealing drugs from the parking lot? They cut a deal. So much for your wonderful pals, you idiot. I am glad that you are now 18 years of age and can no longer hide behind the juvenile court system, Mr. Quarterback, loser. Remember when you told me to "iiss your black ass"... and that you were going to be an NFL Quarterback? Well, the NFL, despite perceptions, is not for losers!
In closing, I told you just recently to stay out of my neighborhood, you crack dealing piece of trash. yet you keep coming back because you think you are a big man. Well,real men go to school or to work every day and take care of their family... You are a thug and you know what? There are only two places you will end up at the rate you are going -- that is, prison or the nearest funeral home. Quite frankly, I don't care which one you get to first as long as your dumbs stupid ass is out of my neighborhood.
Have a wonderful life, Arsenio. [His actual first name, not a dig.] I am sure you have made your mother real proud. Remember when I spoke to her one of the other times that you were arrested for assaulting a police officer...? Only a moron would do that. Your fate is totally in your hands, which is a scary thought.
Go to jail or the cemetery soon,
Michael D. Polensek
Councilman, Ward 11
Of course, because the councilman is white and the perp black, this is a "racist attack," and the mother of the little angel addressed here is planning a lawsuit.. for, um, the "death threat" she claims the letter is.
The longtime councilman said in a telephone interview Wednesday that he often writes blunt letters to troublemakers in his neighborhood and makes no apologies for the one to Winston.
"I'm fed up and the people in my neighborhood are fed up," Polensek said. "There's no political correctness left in me."
Winston's mother, Tonya Lewis, said she plans to speak to her attorney, former City Council President George Forbes, about filing a lawsuit against Polensek. She said she also has written a letter to black activist the Rev. Al Sharpton.
Lewis said she views Polensek's letter as a death threat against her son because the councilman said "he didn't care which one came first, that he went to jail or the cemetery."
She also complained that the letter referred to Winston as "dumber than mud," which she considers a racist remark because mud is black and dirty.
Polensek defended his letter.
"If my letter was offensive, fine, so be it," he said. "If my letter is going to make his mother and family think about what he's done, I'm glad."
Ah, sensitivity. It seems that if you call someone a dumb thug, you're actually insulting blacks generally, and of course if you call someone a murderous religious maniac you're insulting Muslims generally.
Don't those claims seem to reinforce the exact "racism" or "Islamophobia" complained of? Who's claiming blacks are "dumb thugs"? Why, this woman with her moron thug of a son, by claiming the two are equivalent.
Who's claiming that impugning terrorists is impugning Muslims, thus suggesting all Muslims are terrorists? Why, the terrorist-supporting Muslims at CAIR, of course.
None of this makes sense, but sense isn't the point when a child argues she should be given a cookie, either. Any whine, bitch, manipulation or shrieking hissy fit will do when all that matters is getting that cookie.
But of course to point this out is itself "racist" or "Islamophobic," which is why they're permitted to keep doing it without being subjected to the criticism and mockery they deserve.
Thanks to Drew.