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July 20, 2007
DailyKos Diarist: Supportin' The Troops
DP sent me this link, but didn't quote what was in the diary. "Guess this guy doesn't support the troops," he said, under the subject line "DKos Poster Bashes the Troops."
Well, it must have been a real tour-de-force of troop hatred, because the Stalinists at DKos deleted it.
However, we can still savor the rich creamy velvety nuance of the article's subject tags:
Military Murders, Serial Killers, Mass Murderers, Jeffrey Dahmer, Charles Whitman, Son of Sam, Iraq War (all tags)
Hmmm.... I'm sure he must have been saying our troops are completely unlike mass murderers such as Jeffrey Dahmer, Charles Whitman, or the Son of Sam.
I'm sure we could get a taste of the article from the 151 comments that followed, but, alas, they are now inaccessible too.