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July 08, 2007
Pardon Yesterday's Day Off
I was, as you can probably imagine, listening to the simulcast of Live Earth all day long on NPR.
I learned that one could combat global warming just be "raising awareness" and rocking out.
So, to do my part, I've got Houses of the Holy cranking, and now I'm telling you: There's this theory of "global warming" and carbon is bad.
Rocked out: check
Raised awareness: check
Now I get to go back to my favorite hobby -- clear-cutting forests using the most fuel-inefficient machinery available.
More: Live Earth may have produced more carbon in one day than Afghanistan did in a whole year.
“It is a manufactured get-out-of-enviro-guilt-jail-free card,” said Christopher Horner, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute said of the Green Event Standard. “How they can so loudly promote their own elitism is merely further proof thereof,” Horner asked.
Criticism of the possible environmental impact of the Live Earth concerts has not been limited to Washington, D.C. Even some world famous musicians have scoffed at the idea of the Live Earth concerts.
“The last thing the planet needs is a rock concert. I can’t believe it. Let’s burn even more fuel,” Roger Daltrey, lead singer of The Who and participant in the Live Aid and Live8 concerts for Africa told the British paper, The Sun. “We have problems with global warming, but the questions and the answers are so huge I don’t know what a rock concert’s ever going to do to help.”
The lead singer of the rock band Muse, Matt Bellamy, referred to the musicians’ consumption to participate in the concerts as “private jets for climate change”.
“When we’re using enough power for 10 houses just for (stage) lighting… It’d be a bit hypocritical,” Matt Helders, drummer of the popular British band, the Arctic Monkeys told the Agence France-Presse.
Most surprisingly, Bob Geldof, the musician and Nobel Prize nominee who founded the Live Aid and Live8 concerts, singled out Gore in particular, asking, “Why is Gore actually organising them? To make us aware of the greenhouse effect? Everybody’s known about that problem for years.”
The noble carbon sacrifice of the idiots screaming at us to reduce our own carbon emissions.
And still more from Instapundit, who observes, "I'll start acting as if it's a crisis when the people who are telling me it's a crisis start acting as if it's a crisis."