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June 29, 2007
That Senate Contact List Again...
...because I think positive reinforcement is almost as effective as the negative sort.
The order of voting, as a guide to when Senators voted. This list is partly misleading, because it's just not the case that those who voted later all did so only when they saw the bill was going down; Corker, of course, declared against this weeks ago, but is somewhat late in actually voting. Still, at least you can see who voted which way.
New Hampshirites might want to make sure Sununu knows his vote was appreciated, and that Gregg knows he's political damaged goods. Not that it will matter with Gregg; I'm told that he delights in conceiving of himself as always The Smartest Guy In The Room, so your plebian opionions matter not a whit to him. They may matter during his next election, though.
And Bennett... voting in favor of it in exchange for a couple of penny-ante pork project federal offices in Utah. Good God.