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June 28, 2007
Debate II [DemPBS]
Clinton: I want to lessen time served for non-violent drug offenders.
Richardson: Stats. People in jail, one of three black men spend time in jail. We need a reform.
Edwards: We need to make it easier for first-time offenders once they're out. I agree w/that.
22:06. Question: Should there be a right to return to New Orleans after Katrina.
Kucinich: People should have the right to return and be guaranteed a job.
22:08. It's all about Iraq. Okaaay.
22:08. I have proposed a 10-point agenda about Katrina. Take that biatches!
22:09. Richardson: "This has been the most disgraceful response to help people."
FEMA should be under prez. Get rid of "burdensome loans." Force insurance companies to insure people.
22:10. Silky: I announced my candidathy from a ward in new orleanth.
22:11. Obama: It's all about Halliburton.
Not one of these questions has been from a conservative or libertarian perspective.
22:14. Outsourcing. Only remarkable answer so far has been Clinton's attempt to shove about 50 liberal issues into this answer. No mention of her husband's NAFTA.
Actually, none of them has mentioned it.
22:16. Silky: Well unlike them, I have experienced outsourcing as a problem. Did you know my dad used to be a millworker?
22:17. Obama: Manages to say nothing w/his time again.
22:18. Dennis: I have been to factories where there is grass on the ground. We should open them!
First mention of NAFTA.
22:18. Question about Darfur. Why has U.S. been unwilling to do something to halt genocide.
Dodd: It's all about Iraq.
U.S. should take unilateral action here to stop people from getting slaughtered.
(NVM that's what was happening under Saddam)
Clinton: We need to do 3 things. She's going into nag mode on this answer. Wants a no-fly zone. Sounds oddly familar to the wonderful solution her husband implemented about Saddam.
Biden: We don't need to leave Iraq to get our authority back. Unilateralism is good.
I love how Democrats love unilateralism whenever it has no strategic benefit to our national interest.
Now we've moved to 15-second answers for Kucinich and Gravel. Good move PBS!
Gravel: We need a president with moral judgment. Most of the people up on this stage do not have moral judgement.
Nice job Mike!
22:25 Well, we're done. Let the spinning begin.
And not one conservative question.
I'll be checking in later with general observations after filing a complaint with OSHAA about the poor working environment Ace provides for his guestbloggers.
22:28. I lied. Drew makes a good point. On the day amnesty was defeated, there wasn't a single question about immigration.

posted by MatthewSheffield at
10:07 PM
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