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June 20, 2007
Guantanamo Poetry Slam!
Hilarious -- Gitmo terror-poets wax poetical about their unjust confinement, and of course a lawyer helps get their scary-important doggerel published.
Here are a few short excerpts:
When I heard pigeons cooing in the trees
Hot tears covered my face
[ed-- was he sure those were tears?]
Oh, God,
Grant serenity to a heart that beats with oppression
And release this prisoner from the tight bonds of confinement.
To be with my children, each a part of me
to be with my wife and the ones I love
to be with my parents, my world's tenderest hearts
I dream to be home, to be free from this cage.
America, you ride on backs of orphans
and terrorize them daily
I am a captive, but the crimes are my captors'.
Here are longer versions, come containing the "verses" noted above:
[no] IS IT TRUE?
Is it true that the grass grows again after rain?
Is it true that the flowers will rise up again in the Spring?
Is it true that birds will migrate home again?
Is it true that the salmon swim back up their streams?
It is true. This is true. These are all miracles.
But is it true that one day we'll leave Guantanamo Bay?
Is it true that one day we'll go back to our homes?
I sail in my dreams. I am dreaming of home.
To be with my children, each one part of me;
To be with my wife and the ones that I love;
To be with my parents, my world's tenderest hearts.
I dream to be home, to be free from this cage.
But do you hear me, oh Judge, do you hear me at all?
We are innocent, here, we've committed no crime.
Set me free, set us free, if anywhere still
Justice and compassion remain in this world!
When I heard pigeons cooing in the trees,
Hot tears covered my face.
When the lark chirped, my thoughts composed
A message for my son.
Mohammad, I am afflicted.
In my despair, I have no one but Allah for comfort.
The oppressors are playing with me,
As they move freely around the world.
They ask me to spy on my countrymen,
Claiming it would be a good deed.
They offer me money and land,
And freedom to go where I please.
Their temptations seize
My attention like lightning in the sky.
But their gift is an empty snake,
Carrying hypocrisy in its mouth like venom,
They have monuments to liberty
And freedom of opinion, which is well and good.
But I explained to them that
Architecture is not justice.
America, you ride on the backs of orphans,
And terrorize them daily.
Bush, beware.
The world recognizes an arrogant liar.
To Allah I direct my grievance and my tears.
I am homesick and oppressed.
Mohammad, do not forget me.
Support the cause of your father, a God-fearing man.
I was humiliated in the shackles.
How can I now compose verses? How can I now write?
After the shackles and the nights and the suffering and the tears,
How can I write poetry?
My soul is like a roiling sea, stirred by anguish,
Violent with passion.
I am a captive, but the crimes are my captors'.
I am overwhelmed with apprehension.
Lord, unite me with my son Mohammad.
Lord, grant success to the righteous.
The left is getting serious about releasing terrorists now -- whenever they would spring a degernate murderer from prison, they would first find him to have "the soul of an artist" and "great literary potential."
I'm not kidding. They do it all the time. Kill one, three, ten people -- write a few fucking poems or a brief screed and the left starts saying you're too important a literary voice to be kept in jail.