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June 15, 2007
People-Powered Propaganda: Lefty Bloggers Either Negligent Or Dishonest In Denying Reid's Remarks About Pace As "Incompetent"
It's not surprising that "The war is lost/the surge is lost" hyperpartisan Reid said this. Nor is it, from his point of view at least, all that objectionable. Plainly, he doesn't like Pace, and doesn't think he's done a good job; not really a major thing that he called Pace "incompetent."
What is more surprising -- but only slightly so -- is that it appears that the left-wing bloggers who were on the conference call denied he'd said it, claiming they couldn't remember him saying such a thing or that he simply didn't say it. And they attacked the Politico for claiming he had.
Well, now Reid himself admits he said it.
Were the lefty bloggers simply negligent or were they acting in concert to deny a story they didn't think was especially helpful to the cause?
Let me quote Harry Reid from a few days ago, when reporters dared to ask him about the Democratic Senators who voted to tank the amnesty bill:
"Let's not focus on the Democrats," Reid snapped.
And of course the NYT editorial board complied.
Did Reid or his office contact the lefty bloggers and tell them "let's not focus on that one ill-advised comment of mine" as well?
Delicious: Even after Reid says he said it, the lefties are sticking to their guns and arguing Reid doesn't know what he's saying when he says he said what everyone says he said.