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June 11, 2007
Not Safe For Work
Really, not safe for work. Maybe not safe for home, either.
A reader sent this. I'm not sure if he wants his name mentioned. Would bring up difficult questions about how he found this.
I'm linking this for the shock/humor/weirdness value. And it's educational. Tells you something about human sexual behavior. Like Margaret Mead in Samoa. It's stuff you don't want to know, but still.
Like I said, Not Safe For Work/Strong Content Warning.
A fetish I didn't even know existed -- latex models of what appear to be severed female feet with a vagina on their soles.
Yup. Foot fetish, I knew about. Plastic vagina, old hat.
Putting the two together -- we're in some weird Dave Cronenberg Videodrome/Crash area here.