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June 10, 2007
New York Time editor admits he tanked the JFK bomb-plot story because he "questioned the timing" of it.
As Allah asks -- and as we always ask of these morons -- what precisely was Bush attempting to distract away from? From... nothing?
Can anyone explain what scary-important political event needed some "distracting" from? Oh yeah-- the Democratic political debate. As these are happening pretty much every other week, can we assume the NYT has decided that there can be no prominent reportage on terror busts until after Hillary! or Obamessiah has been safely sworn into office as President?
Do they imagine Bush can order up a massive bust on a particular involving the NYPD, FBI, and other law enforcement investigations to suit his political needs without a single person leaking the fact he ordered it? And ordered all LEO's to lie about it? And ordered it all to take place on a certain day or at least within a certain time period?
These are the people who assert you should trust their very professional, finely-honed sense of "news judgment." People who believe that large-scale arrests are ordered to occur on a specific day in order to "distract from" biweekly trivialities.