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June 09, 2007
The Worst Yo Mama Jokes I've Ever Heard
Out on my porch I just heard a couple of kids exchanging Yo Mama jokes. They're all lame, but here are two that stand out:
"Your mama's ass is so fat she got a job at a movie theater as a projector."
This, um, doesn't even make sense. She got a job as the screen, idiot. And even that wouldn't be funny.
And this gem:
"The wig shop just called yo mama, and they said they want their wig back."
Wow. They're not even doing that ironic-joke thing where you invert the joke by deliberately making it stupid and obvious and literal ("Yo mama is such a whore she takes money from men to have sex.")
Trust me, these jokers haven't the craft.
The kid who offered up these rib-ticklers even had the temerity to question his interlocutor's Dozens credentials, asking, "Are you even doing jokes? Oh yeah, you did one, I guess."
Dude, are you even doing jokes?
What has become of the youth of today?