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June 07, 2007
Hillary!, The Smartest Woman In America (TM), Flunked DC Bar Exam, Among Nation's Easiest
Is our Hillary! learning?
The bar exam is tough, to be sure. It's like having to take an exam on eight of your toughest college courses -- the 400 level stuff, with no blow-offs -- and needing to post 80+ scores on each of them, all at the same time. It's that "all at the same time" part that's the killer. If you could take the bar one course-area at a time over a couple of months, it would be a hell of lot easier.
Plus you're responsible for a lot of stuff you never even studied at all. Like partnership tax law. What the hell is that? I don't know, but I was given an essay on it. I think I wrote mainly about how good it is to have partners, and how partners should look out for each other in various ways, such as paying taxes for each other, and maybe even depreciating stuff together purchased as part of the partnership, such as a cool partnership desk.
My answer was not, what's the word, even close.
But... I'm sorry, anyone who lays claim to the Smartest ____ in ______ doesn't fail it.
Look, I passed. Without a BarBri course or anything. First try. If I remember right I scored middle-to-high (I think they tell the percentage scored in NY).
Was it tough? Yes. Did I have to study? Yes, a fair amount.
Was I really in danger of failing it, having done a fair amount of study and refreshing on my own for just four weeks or so? Apparently not. I was afraid I failed it, to be honest, but when the score came back, it turned out I had a good amount of room to get more stuff wrong. (And I punted -- gave up on, didn't even bother with -- almost the entirety of the NY State law section, figuring I'd just blow that off and hope to score well enough on the general portion to make up for it.)
I'm just saying -- apparently I, MoronBlogger, am smarter than the Smartest Woman in America.
Which, to be honest, I already kinda knew.
Thanks to dri.
Not Hillary's Fault She Was Absent The Day They Taught Law At Law School? The American Thinker notes that Yale Law is more interested in teaching "social justice" rather than, you know, actual law.
Thanks to larwyn.
dri and larwyn in the same post... it's like Churchill meeting FDR.
What Else Is Hillary! Hiding? The IBD article notes she hasn't released her college and law school transcripts -- something just about every presidential candidate has done before.
Previously I'd've figured it was simply because her entire liberal education was not so much liberal as leftist, filled with courses like A Feminist Marxist Transgendered Critique of Some Lint I Found In My Belly-Button and Sexual Empowerment 201: They're Not Cankles, They're Love-Struts!
But this revelation suggests something even more delicious -- she's hiding her transcripts because The Smartest Woman In America is ashamed of her mediocre grades.
Sympathy For The Devil: A commenter at Patterico, who sounds like she knows what she's talking about (damnit), says the DC Bar was one of the tougher bar exams back when Hil would have taken it. It's easier now, but was tougher then.
This adds some nuance to the story, but still: Hard or easy, the smartest woman in America tanked the bar exam.
I have conceded: It is a hard test. You don't need to be a dummy to flunk it.
But... this is the Smartest Woman In America we're talking about, you know.
And you know-- she grew up wealthy. So she could have, and probably did, take one of those DC Bar prep courses mentioned in the comments.
Lot of lawyers weighing in on this at Patterico's. Worth a trip, if you care about this sort of thing.