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June 07, 2007
The Red-Green Coalition: Lefty Time Out London Writer Pines For London's Islamic Future
So stupid it made my teeth bleed.
The essay needn't be read -- it merely says "Submit, and you will be protected by your new Islamic overlords." The comments are more interesting.
Wow -- have the Brits gone inSANE??? I live in New York City and have been waiting for the other terrorist shoe to drop ever since 9/11 but, in some ways, this sure & steady accommodation of a backwards & barbaric ideology is even worse. Like putting a frog in a pot of cold water and slowly turning up the heat. He'll be parboiled before he figures it's time to jump out!
If Time Out had the courage of it's convictions it should embrace the Shar'ia law it so admires and do the following...
Refuse all adverts from Bars, Pubs, Clubs and Restaurants that serve alcohol .
Refuse all adverts from Gay & Lesbian organistaions.
Refuse all adverts from sports organisations that allow improperly dressed women to participate.
Refuse all adverts from cinemas that show "unislamic" movies.
"a hysterical, right-wing nightmare of a future Muslim London: where an cruel alien creed is forced on a liberal city"
What a stunningly surreal and revealing statement. It used to be that *liberals* were concerned about theocrats imposing the death penalty on a liberal society. Now that's somehow become a *right wing* fantasy? This is multiculturalism at wit's end, where liberals are willing to abandon their most precious stated values in the face of Islamists who makes America's religious right seem moderate. What motivates this cowardly retreat? Moral incoherence? Fear of being called a racist? Or just pure animal fear?
I read something like this and I cannot *believe* this was the nation of Churchill.
It seems curious that the author of this article, in presenting this more optimistic view of an Islamic London, did not return to the subject of the disposition of same-sex relationships under Islam that he mentioned at the beginning ("same sex relationships a crime"). I wonder why?
It occurs to me that the authors might simply be following the aphorism, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." The authors seem to be fantasizing about an Islam, but I think they're really dreaming about a thoroughly de-Christianized West. If Islam weren't in the picture, they would have been rhapsodizing over the utopic vision of a Happy Voodoo World, or about the charming bloodsports in ancient Mayan civilizations, or... well, just about anything but what they grew up with. Islam is just the most convenient proxy by which they can wage culture war against Western Civilization, such as it is.
Etc. One Muslim fan of the piece doesn't answer whether or not gays will be jailed or put to death under this coming rapturous Islamic rule, but does defend Islam's edict against homosexuality, noting that Islam doesn't make one unfree simply because it also forbids having sex with a dog.
When Rick Santorum said something vaguely along those lines, the left went nutters.
But we have to be more understanding when it comes to Islam.