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May 17, 2007
Another "Best of..." List
This one by Stephen King, in Entertainment Weekly.
So I run into one of my Constant Readers and everybody's a critic the guy says, ''Your column's suckin' out lately, Steve. You're losin' your edge.'' My first impulse is to tell him I have a cozy place where he can put my column, but since he looks like a recently retired Hell's Angel, I rethink this option. Instead I ask him what he thinks would make a good piece.
''Best rock songs of all time,'' he says. ''That subject always starts arguments, especially if you don't put 'Stairway' on there.''
I realized he was right. Especially since the idea of putting ''Stairway to Heaven'' on such a list grosses me out. So I decided to take my biker buddy up on his idea. Twenty-four great songs, one for every hour of the day, picked by the Infallible Me.
There are some good tunes on this list, and a few clunkers.
If nothing else, this will give everyone something to fight about other than politics.

posted by Slublog at
12:58 PM
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