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May 17, 2007
Turtle Picture
Don't know why I'm posting this. Please bear with me.

This pic jumped out at me because this turtle looks exhausted, and vaguely delicious. How soft is the shell of a softshell turtle? I want to know.
Because it looks like if you were to sink a big cake knife into it, the surface would give some resistance before you sliced through to the rich spongy filling. Maybe crack a little bit like hard chocolate. And your guests would fight over those thin crispy edges there.
Also, I think if you saw one of these turtles in real life you'd have an uncontrollable urge to go flip it over. It's just asking for it. I bet that's how the native kids used to spend half their day. Just running around flipping every flat turtle they could find.
I'm just sayin'; I can understand why this animal is teetering on the edge of extinction.
Thank you for your time this morning. I'll be in Ace's office if anybody needs me. It's time for my quarterly review. Wish me luck!

posted by Laura. at
10:27 AM
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