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May 09, 2007
Mitt Romney Slams Europeans For Now Offering Seven-Year-Only Temporary Marriages
A truly outrageous move on France's part to so undermine the very foundation of civilizational organization.
One problem: It's not true.
An even worse problem: His "fact" came from an Orson Scott Card science fiction novel. Speculative fiction, set in the future.
Romney confused it with the current law.
This following, of course, his declaration of Battlefield Earth to be his favorite novel.
As much as I like liked Romney, he's coming off as a serious, ahem, space cadet, and not a very bright one at that.
I'm not sure he has what it takes to be President. Maybe he can run for Commandant of Starfleet Acadamy or something.
Coming Next: Romney explains his flip-flop to the pro-life view as caused by the new respect for life gained after witnessing the destruction of planet Alderaan, where "a million voices cried out... and then were silenced."
We seem to be quickly running out of viable candidates.
In related news, we're all doomed.
Of course, while the right-leaning blogs point out such strange delusions of our candidates, you can bet damnsure neither Anna Marie Cox nor any other lefty in the media will make mention of John Edwards' far more calculated and vicious embrace of alt-history fantasy.