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May 01, 2007
Some Seriously Messed-Up Crap
It looks real, because if you follow the link to the individual-sales site, they're willing to take your credit care information. Which seems like it'd be wire fraud if this were just a prank.
So what is it? It's a plastic plug you stick in your ass with an oddly-shaped opening so that when you drop a loaf the widget shapes your stools into "funny shapes." Like the Bat-Signal, for example.
Which of course you can then share with your friends, because it's not a party until someone takes you into the toilet to show you his dookie-cutter bowel movements.
Most alarming part of the product? The plastic ass-stencils are supposedly "dishwasher safe."
Thanks to CG.
Related: A conceptual artist uses a high-fibre diet and a butt-plug to produce a 26 foot long stool. Supposedly.
Content warning on his link to the artist producing "x-ray blowjobs," which shows pictures depicting pretty much what the link suggests -- x-rated pics of oral sex, shot with x-rays, so you see the bones behind the boners.
Even More Fun With Excrement: Poop-Freeze brand stool freezer, available on... Amazon.
Thanks to scooter (not libby).