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April 20, 2007
Thompson's Negatives
Hollowpoint asked what Fred Thompson's negatives were; Entropy posted this in response.
My favorite kind of post -- one I had nothing to do with at all, and one that isn't about cats (LauraW), videogames (AndrewR.), or the relentless stalkcourtship of Mary Katharine Ham (JackM.).
He voted for McCain-Feingold.
He's OK with affirmitive action with a mixed record.
His position on immigration has tracked hard right since his senate career. He now says this...
...but his senate record says this.
You have to note though he hasn't done a 180, just a 90. His record is bad on stuff like interior enforcement, asylum, and frivolous work visas, but his record was allways very good on border enforcement.
Also, there are some complaints about his effectiveness as a comitee chairmen during Clinton scandals and investigations, and though he's certainly been around washington, (campaign manager, counsel to intelligence comitees, US attorney, lobbyist, and senator, member of 'think tanks' and policy research centers, helped with the nomination of John Roberts, ect ect) he has no actual executive experience.
He's been divorced once and all his girlfriends were smoking hot with huge boobs even though he's old and bald.
He had lymphoma.
There all the substantial negatives I've found.
He's pro life, free trade, federalist, pro-gun, as hawkish as McCain or Guiliani, anti-tax, anti-spending, anti special rights (like gay marriage), anti-regulation, and pro-Israel. I mention because any one of these things might be considered a negative depending on your point of view - they sound pretty nifty to me.
So there you have it.
He also has the rap that he was pro-choice in his first senate run, but he denies that, attributing it to reportial incompetence.
One more thing: The divorce. We don't know the details of it, but we can guess, like most divorces, it wasn't pleasant, and the fact he divorced his wife of many years to later canoodled with hot young things (with impressive racks) suggests it's the sort of divorce that will turn off a lot of voters, the It's Time To Trade In/Trade Up Divorce.
The lack of serious executive experience is a big problem. Although among his rivals, McCain has none, Giuliani has quite a bit, but as exectuive of one of the most liberal cities in the world this side of Sodom, and Romney only did a four year term as governor of Massachusetts. Guiliani and Romney have a great deal more executive experience, but perhaps not so much that their advantage will mean much in the end.