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April 19, 2007
The MSM: Heap Shame Upon Them
Geezer tipped me to this. He prefaced it with 'Don't read it if you don't want to get pissed.'
Too late for me, I'm afraid.
Fair warning; the article at the link contains a graphic description of two terrible murders.
TEST YOUR GOOGLE-FU: Find me some coverage on this case from a major or National media outlet. I dares ya.
Another bit of perspective from The Conservative Voice:
"I can guarantee that I'm not the only one who is suspicious over whether the lack of coverage is a concerted effort to brush the story under the rug. Even if it wasn't, it is a huge fumble not to have reported the case. But if my suspicions are correct, it'll only reinforce a sad truth that I've come to learn: The most devastating and important cases are simply passed over when they don't fit the agenda."
That quote is not from a conservative, but from Stefanie Williams, a thoughtful young woman whose article in the University of Maryland's student newspaper appears to be the only media source for details of this horrific crime.
MSM: What are you good for anymore, anyway?
Even a liberal (for now) Junior in college can do your job better than you, and see right through you, too.
Ace's Update: I previously linked a Jack Dunphy column about this on NRO, recapitulating the satanic evil of the crime and the MSM's lack of any interest in it whatsoever.
Dunphy also notes that several tabloidy crime stories became grist for the media mill around the time of this outrage, so it's not like they were retreating from covering lurid crimes. And yet -- no coverage of this one at all.
Well, as Mitchieville notes, look at the pictures of the victims, and look at the pictures of the savages who tortured, raped, killed, and incinerated them. Wrong color on both.

posted by Laura. at
12:32 PM
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