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April 12, 2007
The Takeaway
I repeat myself, but I think it bears repeating.
Had the Duke 3 been convicted, it would have proven the liberal media-political complex's metanarrative about power inequalities based on class, gender, and race.
But with the Duke 3 completely vindicated, exonerated, and declared innocent of all claims -- and the villainous liar Crystal Gail Mangum revealed to be the venal lunatic she is -- it still proves the liberal media-political complex's metarnarrative about power inqualities based on class, gender, and race.
And if there had been a more muddled resolution -- with Roy Cooper being less of a stand-up guy, and simply saying he was declining to prosecute based on an ambiguous record -- it also would have proven the liberal media-political compex's metanarrative about power inequalities based on calls, gender, and race.
What we have here, folks, is an unfalsifiable hypothesis, which is usually labled a dogma, and of a distinctly religious kind.
I'm reminded of global wamring, where whether it gets warmer, or it gets colder, or models correctly predict future weather, or whether they incorrectly predict future weather (see, global warming causes inherent unpredictability in the weather!), but this is a tad worse.
The models have been rubbished, the theory has been starkly repudiated.
And yet the metanarrative continues.
It can't be falsfied. It can't be undermined. It is immune to evidence or facts or changing circumstance.
It is eternal, as eternal as God Himself, and if the metanarrative occasionally causes some amount of cognitive dissonance, that is just a challenge to the faithful to believe even more strongly, and accept that the Metanarrative works in mysterious ways, and we can never fully comprehend all of Its Holy Mysteries.
Sign Up Now While Their Are Still Seats Left! The White Privilege Concert 8 (aka Guiltapalooza) will explore the issues of "white supremacy and oppression."
Featured speaker: Terry Moran, delivering a speech titled "Why Am I Such a Sniveling, Stupid, Dishonest Worm?: Pale Reflections In A Broken Mirror."
Thanks to Andrew's Dad.
Quote of the Day: Yeah, the first one who says Hitler loses. I don't care. I'm willing to "lose."
Each change must never affect the content of the propaganda, rather must always draw the same conclusions.
-- Propaganda Abteilung, Propaganda (Munich: Reichs-Parteileitung der N.S.D.A.P., 1927) (quoting Chapter 6 of Mein Kampf).
If the definition fits, wear it. Wear it proud, Howie Kurtz. Wear it proud, Terry Moran.
Thanks to Phinn.